As the name suggests, DakshamA Health & Education was set up in the name of two individuals who have been instrumental in providing inspiration to the founding members of the organisation. Both women are of great substance who have fought the odds to raise children and make them the most successful human beings and great citizens of India.
The President of the organisation, Venket Rao served the country as a dedicated and loyal soldier in the uniformed services for three decades. As a young soldier posted in Rajasthan, he lost his father to a heart attack at a very early age.
Lack of medical services and early access to emergency care brought this tragic loss and having seen and experienced many members of the family losing lives to preventable causes, he dreamt of creating a system that could respond to people in need and save lives.
Several dialogues, interactions and personal discussions followed and he learnt that the key to prevention and early diagnosis lay in not only responsive systems, but also patient knowledge and the right to choose and demand for services. He therefore set up this organisation to bring people and families together and learn about simple ways of prevention, share information through personal experiences and offer a platform for knowledge exchange from survivors and sufferers as well as caregivers
DakshamA Health aims to bring a change in the way health is perceived and delivered in the country. It strives to bring together patient and caregiver voices and make healthcare accessible, safe and within the reach of person who needs it. We are a full member of IAPO (international Alliance of Patient Organisations) a global voice for patients.
Our Objectives
- Develop and disseminate accessible, well-structured and user-friendly information and education resources on therapeutic innovation, access to care and safe medicines
- Build competencies and expert capacity among well informed patients and the public about pharmaceutical R&D, self- care and home based care
- Create a public library on patient information in seven most common languages
- Establishing active partnerships with patient organisations, and maximizing their impact through capacity building;
- Advocate nationally with a strong patient voice on all aspects of healthcare policy, with the aim of influencing national, regional and state health agendas and policies;
- Build cross-sector alliances and working collaboratively with like-minded medical and health professionals, policymakers, academics, researchers and industry representatives.
- Conduct research and Gap Analysis on needs and policy for access and equity.
How We Work
DakshamA aims to create a network of care givers and patient groups and work with them on knowledge sharing as well as providing useful tips for managing long term and chronic diseases at home. It will also provide information on changes in medical treatments and diagnostics, hospital services and bring together patient voices to advocate for policy changes and inform the policy makers the needs of patients in rural areas.

DakshamA Health & Education’s values are deep rooted and emanate from a sense of universal equality and right to healthcare no matter what the economic status, creed or religion: SIDDHANT in Sanskrit means principle, we at DakshamA also have 8 principles that we rigorously believe in and follow: